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Reggio Calabria. Section AIISF “Seby Trapani”. Testimony from the front line
"Even and above all in times of Covid emergency, the AIISF Section "Seby Trapani" of Reggio Calabria, federated with Fedaiisf, alongside...
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Milan. Established the Section AIISF federated Fedaiisf
Having all read and understood the AIISF Statute, and committing ourselves to respect its content, we communicate that the…
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Section AIISF interprovincial Molise. Renewed the Board
Following the resignation of Dr. Carmine D'Ambrosio as President of Aiisf Molise, regular votes were held which elected…
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Lazio. Vaccination: 1800 ISF booked by AIISF Frosinone
After the first tranche of vaccinations of Lazio informers carried out last week, the president of the AIISF Section of…
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Abruzzo. After meeting Fedaiisf / ASL 1 Health Department revoked the provision forbidding the access of ISF to the health facilities of L'Aquila
As anticipated, following the meeting between: the Medical Director, dr. Alfonso Mascitelli and colleagues on the board: deputy…
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Calabria. Published agreement AIISF KR/CZ/VV Hosp. Ciaccio on ISF volunteering
The EXTRAORDINARY COMMISSIONER Given that the Italian Republic, with Legislative Decree 3 July 2017, n. 117 “Code of…
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Savona. Sec. Agreement AIISF ASL2: ISF activity resumed in the SSR structures
After a long process of mediation between the AIISF sections of Savona and Imperia, federated with Fedaiisf, and the Savonese ASL2…
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Naples. "Privileged" medical informants and assembled patients: Luca Abete intervenes
Tele radio news pubblica il sottostante servizio Il noto quanto tenace inviato per la Campania di “Striscia la Notizia” è…
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AIISF Bologna applauds the institution of an award named after Dr. Salera by the Region
La sezione AIISF, federata FEDAIISF, di Bologna plaude all’iniziativa di Regione Emilia-Romagna di istituire un premio intitolato al dottor Marcello…
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Lazio. ISF vaccination in Valmontone. New provisions
Per l’ennesima volta cambiano le disposizioni per gli ISF per accedere al punto vaccinale di Valmontone. Sono stati riferiti dei…
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