Main news
Gedeon Richter: declaration of strike for Friday 17. The press release of the RSU and the OO.SS.
The Trade Union Organizations and the RSU meeting today with the Company Management express clear dissatisfaction and believe the reasons…
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In Salerno, the intervention of an ISF representative allowed access to the health facilities
A Salerno alcuni giorni fa il Direttore Sanitario, Dr. Minervini, aveva comunicato il divieto di accesso per parenti, visitatori e…
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Section AIISF Naples. Donation of informants to the pediatrics of the Annunziata
Carissimi/e, oggi siamo contenti di comunicarvi che, grazie alla generosità dei colleghi iscritti e non iscritti alla sezione, potremo realizzare…
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Magrini (AIFA). Two new vaccines available from the beginning of 2022: Novavax and Valneva
È attesa la valutazione di questa settimana da parte di Ema per Novbavax e poi a breve per Valneva. Nei primi…
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Section AIISF Piacenza. From scientific informants, a Saint Lucia for Pediatrics
Dagli informatori scientifici, una Santa Lucia per la Pediatria. Pastelli, pennarelli, gessetti, lavagne e tanto altro per i pazienti più…
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Section AIISF "Mimmo Lenzi" of Lecce. A Sunday for Telethon
Today despite the cold, rainy and windy day, the Section AIISF "Mimmo Lenzi" of Lecce, federated Fedaiisf, was present in…
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Stories of ISF. Pierluigi Picchetti ex ISF in Santiago de Compostela on foot
For forty days he braved water, sun and wind to cover the 790 km of the French Way of…
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Veneto region. Meeting of the Scientific Information Working Group
The Scientific informants of the Fedaiisf Regional Coordination inform us that a meeting has taken place with the Authorities of the Region…
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Dompè. Due to pandemic 11 ISF agents with VAT number at home
We are informed that 11 ISF single-mandate agents with VAT number of Dompè have had their agency mandate terminated,…
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AIISF Frosinone. Fundraising evening for children and women victims of violence
AIISF FROSINONE (Italian Association of Scientific Drug Representatives), FEDAIISF federated, organizes a fundraising evening on December 20, at…
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