Historical Archive
Servier threatened by a heavy fine from Brussels
Les Laboratoires Servier menacés d'une lourde amende par Bruxelles RENAUD HONORÉ / JOURNALISTE ET CATHERINE DUCRUET / JOURNALISTE | LE 07/07 AT 19:53, MIS À JOUR AT 19:59…
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Bayer product launch: double event with participant engagement in a music video
Presenting a new contraceptive to Italian medical-scientific representatives with an event format where, in addition to the purely training part, there was also that…
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Book. New edition of the book on Prescribing and administering drugs: legal and deontological responsibility
Book. New edition of the book on Prescribing and administering drugs: legal and deontological responsibility In September…
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The economist, small companies in crisis migrate to supplements
Increasingly, small Italian pharmaceutical companies in economic difficulty choose to devote themselves to the food supplements market, more…
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Dematerialisation, Emilia Romagna in pole position, Mmg replaced with older PCs
Step from Emilia Romagna towards the dematerialized recipe. In the Reggio and Parma areas (but not only) many doctors already send…
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Vaccines. Siti-Sanofi partnership for refresher course aimed at scientific representatives
Nella due giorni di formazione gli igienisti della SItI hanno aggiornato gli ISF di Sanofi Pasteur MSD sugli argomenti di…
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Vaccines: Children used as guinea pigs – Ireland in shock
Di Andrea Atlante scritto per “La Grande Opera“ Lo scandalo in Irlanda purtroppo si amplifica. Sono passati solo pochi giorni da quando…
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Medicines. Roche, we pay the Antitrust fine. But we trust in the Tar ruling
7 luglio 2014 (ASCA) – Roma, 7 lug 2014 – L’azienda farmaceutica Roche annuncia in una nota che pagherà la…
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Two out of 3 "blue pills" are illegal
C’è troppo Viagra negli scarichi fognari delle città olandesi. Troppo rispetto alle prescrizioni legali. E con ogni probabilità molte delle “pillole…
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