Historical Archive

Catania. Sheep (Snami): rationality in drug prescriptions

In November 2012, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production decreased by 1.0% compared to October. On average for the September-November quarter, the index recorded a decrease of 1.7% compared to the immediately preceding quarter.

Corrected for calendar effects, in November the index decreased by 7.6% in trend terms (there were 21 working days as in November 2011). On average for the first eleven months of the year, production was 6.6% lower than in the same period of the previous year.

In November 2012, the indices adjusted for calendar effects show negative trend changes in all the main industrial groupings. The most marked decrease concerns intermediate goods (-9.8%), but significant drops were also recorded for energy (-7.7%), capital goods (-7.2%) and consumer goods (-5.6%).

In the trend comparison, decreases are recorded in all sectors of the industry. The largest decreases concern the manufacture of rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products (-16.9%), the manufacture of electrical appliances and non-electrical household appliances (-10.5%), the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (-9.3%) and metallurgy and manufacture of metal products, excluding machinery and equipment (-8.4%).

Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations:


Nov 12 /Oct 12:                 -0,1

Sep-Nov 12/Jun-Aug 12:  

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