The memorandum of understanding for the establishment of a system for monitoring deficiencies in the distribution network was signed on Friday in Bologna, within the framework of Cosmofarma. The agreement, already announced by Farmacista33 a couple of weeks ago, is the culmination of a process that the two acronyms of intermediate distributors, Adf and Federfarma Servizi, wanted to share with the other organizations in the supply chain, so much so that in the on Friday, the signatures of Farmindustria, Federfarma, Assofarm and Fofi appear. The objective of the protocol, in particular, is to provide "an immediate and timely response to the entire supply chain of those cases in which temporary product shortages are foreseen". For this purpose, the signatories will organize "an electronic system of communication between individual companies and associations of intermediate and final distribution", essentially an institutional address book to which pharmacies and distribution companies will be able to send reports of any logistical hitches by email. «This agreement» is the comment of Paolo Tagliavini, president of Federfarma Servizi «represents one of those moments in which the supply chain finds convergence on a problem that affects the efficiency of the system. In fact, the protocol expresses the effort of all the actors to guarantee and improve the quality of the service». On the same line Carmelo Riccobono (photo), president of Adf: «This agreement is a confirmation of the common felt responsibility to protect the central figure of the patient and his right to full constant access to an essential good for health such as the drug. Focusing on dialogue between the various components of the supply chain is, from this point of view, a necessary as well as desirable condition, completely consistent with the social and not just economic value of our work».
Pharmacist33 – 17 May 2011