
Cardinals (Filctem): ISF and doctors to monitor the correct use of resources

Scientific informants of the drug and Doctors of public and affiliated health facilities.

This is the virtuous and ethical relationship, for checking the correct use of resources, guaranteeing the best possible care for all citizens. The training and scientific information of health professionals is the very guarantee of maintaining public health in our country.

Breaking this balance means undermining the spine of the same, libit was the road to private healthcare, the prerogative of a few rich people, and whose only goal is to guarantee dividends to shareholders and investment funds.

Some regional resolutions, the layoffs implemented by pharmaceutical companies, the disinterest of the State in Public Health, are the elements acting simultaneously against the destruction of the system.

A State that guarantees lobbies to the detriment of the community of citizens, not only no longer represents their interests but IT SHOULD BE FIGHTED WITH ALL FORCE, FULL FORCE.

Sergio Cardinali – Filctem

From Facebook December 12, 2017

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