With a decree from Caldoro (as health commissioner) a real revolution in prescriptive habits was implemented. Doctors advised to always prescribe equivalents and biosimilars. And for the DGs, the increase in the share of generics will be an element for their evaluation. THE DECREE.
28 MAR – The Campania Region is aiming straight for the incentive of generic medicines. And it did so through a decree from the ad acta commissioner, as well as governor Stefano Caldoro. The provision has the purpose of encouraging the use of drugs of equal therapeutic efficacy but of lower cost. And it reads that "all prescribers must give preference to pharmaceutical prescriptions, in compliance with the authorized therapeutic indications, with medicines with expired patents, in the same way as what is found through the Health Card (TS) system in the Regions that make greater use of such medicines and without prejudice to the faculty of doctors to prescribe in science and conscience".
But the most evident novelty is the fact that the measure assigns to the General Managers a series of priority objectives on the effective implementation of which will be evaluated for the purpose of confirming or revoking the assignment. The objectives must be achieved through an increase for 2013 in the prescribed quota of expired patent medicines, with a corresponding reduction in the quota of medicines covered by patents. The increase must be such as to allow the difference found for the ASL to be reduced by at least a third with respect to the objective indicated in the previous points. For 2014, the difference with the target assigned must be reduced by at least two thirds; the target is to be fully achieved in 2015.
Between the objectives of the DGs, specifically that for all ATC4 monitored through the Health Card System (TS), an alignment with the prescribing behavior observed in the more virtuous Region, in terms of propensity to prescribe medicines with expired patents and, in the short term, to the more virtuous ASL at the regional level;
In addition, for the prescription of drugs included in the following ATC4 categories:
1) ATC4 category N06AB – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – Ab drugs