INPS early retirement calculation: what you need to know and how to do it

If we want to know how much time is left before we hang up the ISF bag, we need to calculate the INPS advance pension.

Leonardo – 21 agosto 2021

If we want to know when it will be possible for us to stop working, then we must carry out the INPS early pension calculation.

Early retirement is a important preventive tool which replaces the retirement pension. It allows the worker who has not reached the age for the old-age pension to obtain the pension by relying on another requirement.

The requirement in question is the need for the worker to have paid a large number of contributions during the course of life. Early retirement was introduced with the Monti Fornero pension reform during 2011.

Why carry out the calculation of the INPS early pension?

Early retirement yes summarizes in a monthly payment of a sum of money by INPS in a manner not unlike a normal pension.
The requirements to be met in order to obtain an early retirement They are different between men and women.
The first ones need 42 years and 10 months of contributions while the latter need 41 years and 10 months.

These limits, however, will change over time due to the adjustment based on the criteria for life expectancy. Basically, the limit will be pushed further and further along as life expectancy increases.

The amount of the monthly payment, as if that weren't enough, is calculated slightly differently than a normal pension. If you access this pension with an age under 62, for example, you need to do the math well. This is because there are progressive reductions based on the age at which early retirement is accessed.

For all these reasons, it is useless to hide the degree of difficulty behind the calculation of early retirement, both in terms of time and purely monetary.

INPS early retirement calculation simulator

Since 1 May 2015, there is a tool on the INPS website which acts as a simulator for the pension calculation. Its task is to help workers obtain the aforementioned information.

The simulator is based on data such as the contribution paid to INPS over time and beyond. It also uses macroeconomic parameters in its accounts that affect the retirement age and pension amount.

Thanks to his help the worker can wisely make the choices it deems appropriate for his pension position. The choices in question can be the reunification of the contributions, the aggregation and so on.

The service is available for free to this link and can be used by an Italian citizen in possession of a PIN, SPID, CIE or CNS.
The simulator to carry out its calculations uses the data present in the INPS database. In case of errors it will be possible to use a contributory reporting service to make corrections.


INPS. Early retirement: It is an economic benefit on request, provided to employees and self-employed workers enrolled in the compulsory general insurance (AGO) and in the exclusive, substitute, exonerative and supplementary forms of the same, as well as in the separate management.

Ai fini del conseguimento della prestazione pensionistica è richiesta la cessazione del rapporto di lavoro dipendente. Non è, invece, richiesta la cessazione dell’attività svolta in qualità di lavoratore autonomo.

For persons who access early retirement at an age of less than 62, a reduction of one percentage point is applied to the portion of pension treatment relating to the length of contributions accrued as at 31 December 2011 for each year of early access to retirement from age 62; this annual percentage is raised to two percentage points for each additional year ahead of two years.

At the age of 63, to be adapted to increases in life expectancy, provided that at least 20 years of "effective" contributions have been paid and credited and that the monthly amount of the first pension installment is not less than a monthly threshold amount equal to 2.8 times the monthly amount of social allowance. For 2015, the age requirement is 63 years and 3 months; starting from 1 January 2016, the above age requirement is raised to 63 years and 7 months, by virtue of the increase due to the adjustment of life expectancy.
For the purpose of calculating the 20 years of "effective" contributions, only the contributions actually paid (compulsory, voluntary, from redemption) are useful, with the exclusion of those credited figuratively for any reason.

See INPS - Early retirement

Applications for early retirement can only be submitted through one of the following channels:

For the starting dates of the pensions of members of the exclusive management of the AGO consult the file Starting dates Exclusive management of the AGO.


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