The session in which the discussion was held today at the Regional Council of Calabria, between the other, the Proposal of Law n. 142/12^ bearing the title “Iestablishment of the Regional Register of Scientific Representatives of Drugs and Parapharmaceuticals”.
After several months, to our great satisfaction, the approval process was finally concluded with a favorable opinion from the aforementioned Council.
The Regional Law, proposed by the Honorable Michele Comito and strongly desired by the AIISF / FEDAIISF Sections of Calabria, represents, first in Italy, an important legal recognition of the category, prodromal to the national establishment of a National Professional Register of Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Scientific Representatives.
With the establishment of this Register, more precise and safer rules will be obtained for the professional performance of this category of workers, which represents an important and indispensable element in the National Health System, guaranteeing public health and national health expenditure.
The Fedaiisf Regional Coordination of Calabria
Lello Esposito
April 11, 2023
The AIISF Section of Reggio Calabria commented as follows:
Dear Colleagues, At the end of an articulated bureaucratic process, which saw the passage of our bill for the establishment of the Regional Register of ISF to the scrutiny of the Health and Budget Commissions, its final approval was reached, in today's session of the Regional Council.
We are proud and honored to have been part of it and to share with you the emotion with which we experienced its birth and consequent publication that will take place in the BUR Calabria.
The hope is that other Regions will adopt a similar provision, so that, together, we finally arrive at the establishment of the Professional Register of the ISF and the regulation of the Profession.
Rocco Lofaro
For the Section AIISF of Reggio Calabria
April 11, 2023
6.31 pm:
The President inserts the fourth item on the agenda:
The adviser COMMITTEE Michael (Come on Italy) reports on the point.
The President puts the article to the vote:
art. 1 – approved
art. 2 – approved
art. 3 – approved
art. 4 – approved
The Chairman puts the proposal as a whole to a vote.
The Council approves.
Time 18.42