Big Pharma's reputation in the eyes of patients suffers. This is attested by the annual report of Patient View, a UK research and consultancy company specializing in the healthcare sector.
In 2016, only 37.9% of patient organizations believe that the pharmaceutical industry has an "excellent" or "good" corporate reputation, a worsening figure compared to 2015 (-6.8%) and below the figure achieved in 2014 (39%).
The work is based on the opinions expressed, through questionnaires, by 1,463 patient associations in 105 countries and concerns as many as 47 drug multinationals. The results were recently published in the report "Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2016: the patient prospective".
The study also suggests which moves pharmaceutical companies should take to better care for their reputation. There are fourteen in all: in first place is "Establishing good relations with patient associations" while the last two are "Inspire marketing by ethics" and "Better managing "negative" news on drugs".
The speech crosses the latest data released by Transparency International, Censis, Ispe-Sanità and Rissc regarding corruption in the health sector. Great attention was also paid to the procurement code and its controversial effects.
Read on in the May 2017 issue of AboutPharma and Medical Devices
Related news: 'Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2016 – The Patient Perspective'
census. Healthcare: one out of three healthcare establishments has witnessed episodes of corruption