Bonus 200 euros for VAT numbers, new money from the Aid bis decree (but when?)

New funds to be allocated to the 200 euro VAT bonus. The benefit, however, continues to exist only on paper and not in practice

New funds are arriving to be allocated to the 200 euro VAT bonus. The benefit, however, continues to exist only on paper and not in practice

Of , published by Invest Today

Among the measures of aid decree bis, approved by the Council of Ministers yesterday 4 August 2022, there is the refinancing of the fund intended for the 200 euro VAT bonus.

Let's talk about the one-off indemnity provided for by the Aid decree (art. 33). With this last rule, the legislator allocated a fund from 500 million euros for self-employed and professional workers.

The recipients of the 200 euro VAT bonus

In detail, the benefit belongs to the following categories:

More money, but the implementing decree is missing

The 500 million euro fund risked not covering the 200 euro bonus for all VAT numbers. For a fair distribution of resources, the estimate was that the indemnity would not reach 200 euros for each (but at a lower amount).

Therefore, to guarantee the aforementioned amount, with the Aid bis decree, additional resources are allocated for 100 million euros.

However, the same art. 33 of the Aid decree, refers the definition of the times And request method of the bonus 200 euros VAT matchesas well as gods requirements.

This provision was to be issued within 30 days of the entry into force of the Aid decree, i.e. before 17 June 2022. The implementing decree does not yet exist. Thus, an allowance that continues to exist only on paper and not in practice.


In the INPS Circular 24 June 2022, n. 73 all are present instructions and beneficiaries of the one-time indemnity of 200 euros.

Independent and occasional: all the steps to follow to submit the application correctly and not lose the 200 euro bonus

Here is a guide (step by step) for applying for the occasional self-employed 200 euro bonus. The deadline is October 31, 20

Among the beneficiaries of the 200 euro "one-off" bonus are also the so-called occasional self-employed workers (paragraph 15 art. 32 aid decree). That is, those who, despite not having a VAT number, "occasionally" perform services in favor of third parties without any subordination constraint.

For these subjects, however, the bonus is not automatic. To have it, you must submit a specific request to the INPS.

In this regard, the institute itself has dictated times and methods. Here, then, is a handbook that guides the worker in submitting the application.

Bonus 200 euro occasional self-employed, the requirements

To get the 200 euro bonus for self-employed occasional workers, it is necessary that the worker is in the period 1st January 2021 – 31st December 2021, respect (all) the following requirements:

Operating instructions for electronic application

Once the existence of the conditions referred to in the previous paragraph has been verified, it is possible to proceed with the application to the INPS.

There request bonus 200 euros self-employed workers is to be done electronically via the web service available on the INPS institutional website.

These are the steps to take to get to the point of interest:

Access to the service is only possible by first authenticating with credentials:

Once inside, just scroll down the page until the section "One-time indemnity – Bonus 200 euros”. Click and choose the belonging category. Then proceed with the compilation of the application by entering the requested data.

An important point is to indicate the terms of payment between "Accredit" (also write the IBAN) or Wire transfer domiciled at the post office.

INPS- Manuale Utente Cittadino Indennità 200€ – Lavoratori Autonomi – Presentazione domanda

Related news: From Aiuti bis, the 200 euro Bonus is getting bigger: all the new features approved

Aid Decree Bis

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