Complaint to the prosecutor's office of the hospital union on the assignments of the ASL to retired doctors. An investigation has been opened
BOLZANO. Very tense relations in recent weeks between the Healthcare Company and doctors in South Tyrol, and not only for the fines on prescribed drugs and deemed unnecessary which in recent days have seen 50 hospital and family doctors referred to the Court of Auditors' attorney.
Claudio Volanti, the secretary of Anaao, or the largest of the trade unions of hospital doctors in South Tyrol, has in fact sent a complaint to the prosecutor's office of the Court of Auditors to contest all the consultancy and collaboration relationships existing within the departments and entrusted to medical personnel who have already reached retirement age.
"Last November - Volanti wrote to the regional prosecutor of the Court of Auditors Robert Schülmers - we invited the Healthcare Company to provide the detailed list of all study and consultancy assignments as well as any other type of medical-health service directly to in favor of users, conferred to retired personnel".
And he continues: «We also asked for the legal status of the deeds of assignment to the aforementioned retired personnel to be clarified with collaboration assignments, given that the stipulation of any work contracts should necessarily be preceded by the public tender for filling the vacant positions ».
But the denunciation of the 'Anaao hospital doctors' union is not limited to collaboration contracts with former chief physicians and retired doctors; also addresses a more delicate and complex knot which directly concerns the post of health manager of the Bolzano district: "We also took over - continues Volanti - as in hospitals constituted by a single unit, such as that of Bolzano, the functions of health director must also absorb those held by the current figure of the medical director, and therefore if this absorption had not yet taken place, we invited the Healthcare Company to provide for it as quickly as possible, in order not to cagi