“The attitude of the company is very serious – declares Rosalba Cicero, general secretary of Filctem Cgil Lombardia -, of not wanting to take alternative paths to layoffs. We ask that the following be taken into consideration: solidarity contracts, reductions in working hours, part-time, transfers to other jobs also through training courses, voluntary retirements".
The protest continues against the "cut" of 176 employees, including employees and scientific representatives of the drug, out of a total of 694 employed. Filctem Lombardia: "They are dismantling what was once an ethical multinational"
04 November 2015 – Rassegna.it
Unsatisfied with the outcome of the meeting held on 21 October in Assolombarda, the employees of Boehringer Ingelheim Italia SpA continue their fight against the job cut announced by the company. The imminent operation, clarifies the Filctem Cgil Lombardia, will affect 176 employees among employees and scientific representatives of the drug, out of a total of 694 employed.
At the behest of the parent company, almost 30% of personnel is declared redundant in the Italian office and the Milan research site will also undergo a further cut equal to 10%.
The news, already dramatic in itself, for Filctem Lombardia – reads a note from the union – “is even more disconcerting if one examines the company's economic performance. Balance sheets in surplus, stable turnover, which also records, at an international level, an improvement of 2% in the first half of 2015 compared to the figure for the same half of 2014. An incomprehensible choice therefore - continues the category acronym -, which seems to be based on a 'creative' management of the restructuring".
The current management, the union denounces again, "is dismantling what was truly once an ethical multinational that placed people and employees at the center of its mission".
“The attitude of the company is very serious - declares Rosalba Cicero, general secretary of Filctem CGIL Lombardia - of not wanting to take alternative paths to layoffs. As a regional Filctem, we ask that what has just been agreed at national level in the renewal of the chemical-pharmaceutical collective bargaining agreement on the social responsibility of companies in the event of reorganization and restructuring be applied. There are other tools that, like Filctem, even jointly, we ask to be taken into consideration: solidarity contracts, reductions in working hours, part-time, transfers to other jobs also through training courses, voluntary retirements".
Cicero continues: “Other companies in the same sector have adopted as a practice, the result of the participatory system and industrial relations present in this sector, alternative paths to dismissals to safeguard employment and reduce the social impact among workers. We also ask that Boehringer Ingelheim Italia confirm this culture of participation and industrial relations aimed at safeguarding not only the interests of the companies, but also of the workers.
For this reason – concludes the trade unionist – we hope that the negotiating table will be resumed immediately to find solutions aimed at safeguarding employment”.