Boom in sight for biosimilar drugs. The value of the world market will in fact grow from 243 million dollars in 2010 to 3.7 billion in 2015, a leap of about 15 times.
This is the estimate contained in a report by Datamonitor, which highlights that over 30 branded biopharmaceuticals with sales of $51 billion will lose their patent between 2011 and 2015. Mark Hollis, healthcare analyst at Datamonitor, points out that, " with sales of first-generation biologics stagnating, biosimilar monoclonal antibodies and second-generation biosimilars represent a high-value option for companies and a driver for future growth." But for Hollis, despite the introduction of ad hoc authorization procedures for biosimilars in the USA, Europe and Japan, the growing use of biological drugs and the need for more profitable products, "there will remain numerous obstacles to the commercial success of these products in developed".
Finally, the report highlights that the market of the future will be dominated by existing biosimilars companies, with the addition of a few other companies. As for developing country industries, they will come into play through partnerships with Big Pharma.
Barbara Di Chiara – March 30, 2011 – Pharmakronos