Biomedical Foscama. 98 families without salary between fears and hopes

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Per nove mesi non hanno ricevuto alcuno stipendio e provvigione … Eppure, i dipendenti e gli agenti di commercio della Biomedica Foscama Group hanno continuato a lavorare senza sosta, pur di diffondere i prodotti e affermare l’azienda di prodotti farmaceutici sul mercato.

"In recent years, something has gone wrong because Biomedical has started to feel the heavy blows of the crisis" explains one of the 17 sales agents who are today grappling with a legal battle against the company brought forward by the lawyer Maria Rosaria Pace. “However, we have worked and disseminated the products of Biomedicine – they continue -. Then, last September, the cancellation letter with the news of the company's bankruptcy”.

In total, there are 98 working families who can no longer count on this salary. "It is probable that there was a 'mismanagement' that brought us to this point", comment the sales agents visibly dejected by the affair. In fact, many of them had to ask for loans, look for other jobs or get help from their families in order to live. And many of these agents are between the ages of 55 and 60.

“Now we are not protected. Attorney Pace explained to us that the only hope is that at the time of the purchase of Biomedica, the credits as well as the debts are included in the corporate package taken from the new buyer. Perhaps in this way, even a hope of being reintegrated into the workforce can materialize”, conclude the agents.

Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the acquisition of Biomedica to be concluded as soon as possible and for the external sales network of the company to be restarted, thanks to the tenacious and continuous work of the sales agents.

Communicated by Dr. Ornella Mincione

The permanent assembly of the workers of Biomedica Foscama in Ferentino continues. This morning, they met in front of the gates of the their factory. Workers are increasingly worried about their future. They were joined by trade unionists from Ugl, Cisl and Uil. To date, some entitlements and some supplementary funds withheld from employees on payroll and not paid are missing.

On September 13, the factory should have passed into the hands of the receivership but the top management, with the president Massimiliano Baldassari, opposed it.

Now the forced procedure has been activated: in days the court will re-appropriate the property with the police. The company is currently at a standstill. Very difficult situation therefore, it is hoped that we can take the road to reach the sale of the site as soon as possible for the recovery of the production cycle and the consequent protection of jobs. (PerTe on line – 13 ottobre 2018)

Biomedica Foscama soon to be auctioned, the requests of the unions

"Close to the Court of Frosinone and to the workers, worried about the possibility that Baldassarri could take part in the auction for the award of Biomedica Foscama". This is the position of the Uiltec, Ugl Chimici and Cgil trade unions reiterated during a press conference held at the Uiltec headquarters in Anagni a few days after the relegation and suspension of employees who are waiting to access, through the same judicial body, to layoffs: "We are here - underline Piscitelli (Uiltec), Valente (Ugl Chimici) and Chiarlitti (Filctem Cgil) - to reiterate that workers must pay their last salary, the severance indemnity and above all the Fonchim and social security contributions Faschim for which 60 months of arrears have been reached.

We ask that things be sorted out urgently and that this be done before the announcement for the acquisition of the industrial site of Ferentino which, according to the timing of the Court, must be done within 60 days". Eight years of management that have caused the temporary closure of a flagship company of the Italian pharmaceutical company which has about 80 highly trained employees and which today risks having to cease production activity with serious damage to the whole system. After regaining possession of the plant, the Court is opening the delicate transition period that will lead to the auction, the unions immediately say they are perplexed about one aspect: "The Court - they underline - could grant Baldassarri the right of option to be able to participate auction only after having fulfilled various requirements contained in the agreement.

This does not leave us calm because the plant, in theory, could return to the hands of Baldassarri himself despite the damage caused. Both trade union organizations and workers fear that this could happen, a concern already expressed in the bankruptcy trusteeship. We wonder what benefit a new Baldassarri management can bring after the combined disasters”.

The unions reaffirm their full confidence in the work of the judiciary, hoping that there is a third party capable of intervening, taking over the plants and all the workers and relaunching production activity. Uiltec, Ugl Chimici and CGIL, in addition to requesting layoffs for employees, are asking the Court to respect the deadlines so as not to risk losing a fundamental industry for the area.

PerTé on line – 26 ottobre 2018

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