Historical Archive

Child hospitalized but the medicines are not there

claudio laugeri


The child is hospitalized, but the prescribed medicines are not there. Thus, the mother is forced to buy them at the pharmacy. At own expense. It happened the other day at the Regina Margherita. Andrea, 6 years old, had a mouth full of canker sores. Painful. In addition, the physique was debilitated. One day, he even passed out. At this point, mom decided to take him to the hospital. The doctors hospitalized him, to have time to submit him to tests of various kinds, from blood tests to ultrasound. The results will arrive in the next few days, but until then the doctors have decided to subject him to a treatment to at least alleviate the symptoms related to the canker sores. So, they prescribed a spray and a gel. “Unfortunately, we don't have any in the hospital. At the moment we can only give you a small medical sample, you should go and buy the rest at the pharmacy..." was the answer. Thus, the mother asked a relative to go to the pharmacy to buy medicines. Twenty-nine euros. Out of pocket.

«We have reached an incredible level – thunders Lucrezia Zurzolo, of the Ugl-Sanità union -. The indiscriminate cuts of the Healthcare Companies have brought us to this. There are fellow nurses who go on hunger strike because they are forced into meaningless shifts due to staff cuts. Now there is even a lack of drugs, where will we end up at this rate?



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