It is the only sector that is making profits despite the crisis. Thanks also to influenza A, from vaccines to Tamiflu. And yet, with a game of passing the buck, since 2008 these companies have freed themselves of 12,000 employees, who ended up in redundancy fund. At the expense of all of us.
Rome. The email of last November 5 was signed by the number one of Roche Italia Maurizio de Cicco. The manager thanks the employees and mentions the 2009 results, «higher than expectations». Then, he announces that the Italian division of the Swiss multinational has reaffirmed its leadership in the hospital – «particularly in oncology» – and registered «a performance superior to that of the entire market». Enough to have deserved «the visit of the group's Board of Directors, the first in over one hundred years of history». It is a pity, however, that in the same month the company appealed to an imaginary crisis to reject the request of the grassroots unions to revoke the mobility for about sixty employees in Segrate.