"We need to guarantee the right to health protection in a new context, organizing the health system according to the principles of appropriateness of care, cost/effectiveness, minimization of waste, managerial management based on a transparent evaluation of the results". THE FULL DOCUMENT.
24 DEC – Announced on Sunday at the end-of-year press conference, we are able to anticipate it. Here is the Monti Agenda, entitled "Changing Italy, Reforming Europe: Agenda for a common commitment", on which the professor will seek consensus and support for his "climbing into politics".
In the 25 folders of the document there is also healthcare for which, as for welfare, there are two alternatives: "Either try to keep the welfare state as it is, resigning ourselves to cuts and reductions in services to cope with ever-increasing expenditure. Or try to make the system more rational and open to innovation". But "without opposing public health and private health, because shadows and lights, merits and wastes, exist in both".
And our SSN? For Monti there is no doubt: "The national health service remains a conquest to be defended and strengthened through innovation, efficiency and professionalism". But something has changed.
Here is the complete paragraph dedicated to health.
"Are Europe and its agenda of disciplining public finances and structural reforms enemies of welfare? No. The welfare state is the heart of the European social model and its synthesis between efficiency and equity, market and solidarity. Achieving objectives of redistribution and the fight against inequalities without dampening the energy for growth is the central political challenge of our time. In itself, Europe does not limit the ways in which social and equity goals can be pursued, but prevents them from being financed with unlimited debt creation. And it requires us to understand that the model we have built is cracking under the weight of demographic change and increasingly difficult financial sustainability.
We have two alternatives. Or try to keep the welfare state as it is, resigning ourselves to cuts and reductions in services to meet ever-increasing expenditure. Or try