(ANSA) - CASTEL GANDOLFO (ROME), SEPTEMBER 2 - Social rights "are an integral part of substantial democracy" and the commitment to respect them "cannot depend merely on the performance of stock exchanges and markets". This was stated by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, during the national study meeting of ACLI in Castel Gandolfo. Bertone also spoke of cooperatives, "a virtuous world" which deserves "better treatment than what was reserved for them in the economic manoeuvre".
September 02, 2011
(ASCA) - Castel Gandolfo (Rm), 2 September - Labor Minister Maurizio Sacconi was challenged by the ACLI audience while he spoke of unemployment and its social consequences during a seminar on "decomposed work".
The minister's speech was interrupted twice by the delegates. Sacconi asked the ACLI to recognize the merits of the government "if you don't have ham in your eyes".
"I'm asking you - he continued, responding to the buzz and voices of dissent - to get out of the processes of secularization that have also spoiled social bodies of the usual tradition". "You can't reduce everything to an increase in public spending," he added