Companies where you work better, Bayer stands out in pharmaceuticals

Ferrero, Ferrari, Hilton, Enel, Lamborghini, Banca d'Italia, Barilla, Samsung, Decathlon and Tetra Pak: according to the results that emerged from a substantial research carried out by Statesman, the independent German research institute, world leader in online interviews, carried out on over 15,000 employees, are the companies that, in Italy, are the best places to work.

To make the top ten of companies where working is nice, thanks to company policies that are attentive to the worker, Statesman interviewed the collaborators of over 2000 companies with over 250 employees, then selecting the best 400, reference points of different product sectors.

The key survey question of Statesman  asked employees to indicate, on a scale from 0 to 10, the likelihood of recommending their company to an acquaintance or family member, while another question was aimed at knowing whether, on the contrary, they would not recommend it.

On the answers to these and other questions, combined with other elements (above all attention to employees, assessed through the offer of training courses, attention to occupational safety, company policies for the protection of the environment and its sustainability, the opportunity for career paths, including international ones, etc.), the final scores were calculated, however giving particular weight and value to the data on the willingness of the participants to recommend their company.
Among the top companies for attention to the worker, divided by product sector, Siemens, in first place in mechanics, and ABB for electronics, electrotechnics and medical equipment, together with the top ten in the rankings. For the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, the palm of the company where one works best went to Bayer. (Rif Day – 17/11/2017)

Followed by Angelini and Aboca. The pharmaceutical sector, like the chemical sector, has a long tradition in Italy. Despite having lost positions internationally, it continues to be a place of innovation and research. The companies that populate this sector invest heavily in cutting-edge laboratories and offer training opportunities to those who choose them. (Panorama – 21/11/2017)

1 Bayer
2 Angelini
3 Aboca
4 Menarini Group
5 Johnson & Johnson Medical
6 Sanofi
7 Eli Lilly Italy
8 Dow Italy
9 Boehringer Ingelheim Italy
10 Zambon


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