Bragantini (PD): "Piedmont does like Veneto: hospitals are places of treatment but also places of work and scientific representatives are also health workers"
“Scientific representatives continue to be prohibited from accessing health facilities. The Italian Association of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives Piedmont Region highlighted how this prohibition not only makes it difficult for scientific representatives to exercise their profession but could cause significant negative effects from an occupational point of view, affecting not only the health of Piedmontese, also on the employment levels of many companies in the sector. Moreover, the Association has repeatedly requested in writing a meeting with both President Cirio and councilor Icardi (on the right in the photo), without obtaining any reply.
This is why I presented a Question time, to understand if, in what times and with what modalities, the Piedmont Region intends to address and resolve the issue of access of scientific representatives to our hospitals and health centers”: the regional councilor declares it Alberto Avetta (PD), which presented a Question Time to the Regional Council on the prohibition of access of scientific representatives to regional health structures, a consequence of the fact that the sector was not taken into consideration by Regional Decree n. 68 of 13 June 2020, nor have any guidelines been adopted on the matter, despite the national legislation recognizing scientific representatives a significant role, considering them an integral part of the health system.
“Our hospitals are places of treatment but also places of work and health workers must be included even the scientific representatives of the drug – comments Paola Bragantini, coordinator of the Piedmont Pd Regional Secretariat –
The Veneto has recognized the public interest in carrying out scientific information activities and has allowed, with a specific Resolution, the regulated access of scientific representatives in hospital structures, also in derogation of the restrictive provisions on access adopted by the individual structures.
It is not clear why Piedmont does not want to put this category of workers in a position to be able to carry out their profession”.