by Debora Billi to Inform x Resist-
What is 1985 + 25? Easy: it's 2005.
And that's right around the year 2005 that we begin to talk about the "dangerousness" of Aulin. One of the best-selling drugs in the world, which passes in that year from the price of around 12 euros (in Italy) to the miserable figure of 3 euros: the patent has expired, the generic can be sold, the active ingredient can be marketed by anyone and therefore here is the crash of the price and the related earnings.
Aulin was put on the market in 1985. Since then, millions of people have used it: the molecule, nimesulide, is very effective and works on all types of inflammation even at half doses.
My son is living proof of this: Aulin saved his life when he was still in his mother's belly. Two simple half sachets of Aulin a day for 15 days saved the pregnant mother from a very risky operation. Neither of them, needless to say, suffered the slightest side effect: and we're talking about pregnancy!
Obviously Aulin, precisely because it is used by millions of people, has caused complications in rare cases. But coincidentally, the press and medicine have them widely trumpeted and spread like never before with other drugs. Strange, why ALL medications can cause complications, there are even carcinogenic ones, there are some with dramatic psychic consequences up to suicide (such as the famous Prozac), yet everyone is silent and careful not to talk about it. Only for Aulin there was a great cancan, when the patent expired when completely new “alternatives” came out in the pharmacy, all patented and all… less effective.
Today nimesulide is sold in Italy in the