Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has agreed to pay $250,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by the US Department of Labor on behalf of 124 female drug informants.
The accusation is that he discriminated against them by paying them an average of 1,700 dollars less than their male colleagues. The lawsuit derives from a review dating back to 2002 and relating to the AstraZeneca center in Wayne, Pennsylvania: it found non-compliance with fair payment rules that must be respected by federal companies. Indeed, AstraZeneca has a contract for the supply of pharmaceutical products with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, worth over 2 billion dollars.
In addition to the fine, the company also agreed to analyze the paychecks of 415 full-time employees across the country, to adjust the salaries of any women who are paid less than their male colleagues.
June 9, 2011 – Pharmakronos