AssoGenerici was heard by the Supervisory Authority on public contracts on the issue of tenders for the supply of medicines. During the hearing that took place in recent days, there was talk of "the perverse effects of the auction-based price mechanism, of the interaction with 'anomalous' offers, which often took the form of a below-cost sale". AssoGenerici expresses "appreciation for the work of the Authority which has launched a fact-finding investigation on the critical issues in the procedures for purchasing medicines by public administrations, at a time when the relationship between territorial and hospital expenditure is at the center of attention of the authorities sanitary”. The association, explains Paolo Angeletti, vice president of AssoGenerici, says it is satisfied with the "completeness and level of detail" of the survey and renews its "willingness to provide further elements of evaluation". The hope is that "the work carried out by the Authority may lead to an address document which makes the purchase procedure homogeneous". Only in the presence of "certain and shared rules can the generic product perform its function of rationalizing expenditure. And it seems to us that the Authority's fact-finding survey is a significant step in this direction”. Lucia Scopelliti – PharmaKronos – May 14, 2010