Arezzo. Scandal of the punches, the maid speaks: "Here's what happened in the pharmacy"
"I haven't stolen anything, neither my husband or I have ever been arrested"
Arezzo, 16 December 2014 – THE NATION
The maid, who had also obtained a degree in history in Romania and is therefore far from naive, matured the decision to collaborate with the justice in this context: «I realized that strange things had been happening for some time and inside me the determination to denounce them was growing. The theft charge against me has overflowed the vase. On June 6, 2013, I visited the Guardia di Finanza in Arezzo and told everything I knew. The rest was discovered by the financiers».
The companion adds: «I too have worked for pharmacists and sometimes I have transported sacks of medicines to a piece of land, but I didn't know what it was. I didn't know that medicines without punches would be burned. Then I reconnected and realized that I had been an involuntary instrument of this operation». «It is a story that marked me deeply and from which I have not yet recovered. The complaint that the pharmacist had made to us for the theft never resulted in an arrest, I want to underline this with my head held high even in front of people who know me. But the judicial process went ahead and the new trial hearing, I hope the last one, was set for July 7, 2015. I have faith in justice, I have done nothing".
The scandal of the punches and false recipes has caused a lot of talk these days. The theater of this provincial story starring a wealthy family, doctors, a Romanian maid and her Slavic companion is Monte San Savino, to be precise, a centrally located pharmacy where, according to the Guardia di Finanza, the scam is organised. The Fiamme Gialle have seized a thousand drugs without punches, denouncing the 5 who have allegedly deceived the national health service for years.
Scam on diapers, police blitz. Asp official and 4 pharmacists in handcuffs
Una telecamera piazzata all’interno di un ufficio del dipartimento riabilitazione svela il maxi raggiro. Le indagini sono partite da una denuncia del commissario dell’azienda sanitaria. Le false autorizzazioni intestate anche a morti o anziani emigrati all’estero
di SALVO PALAZZOLO – Palermo – 15 dicembre 2014
I sostituti procuratori Enrico Bologna e Daniela Varone hanno incastrato il funzionario infedele dell’Asp piazzando una telecamera nel suo ufficio, che si trova all’interno dell’ospedale Guadagna. Così, i carabinieri hanno potuto seguire in diretta le fasi della truffa. Nelle immagini che mostra in esclusiva si vede Li Sacchi mentre predispone le autorizzazioni false: prende dall’archivio dell’Asp i nomi di alcuni pazienti assistiti, cambia data di nascita e documenti. Cambia soprattutto patologia. Appone timbri e poi firme false. Alla fine, stampa le autorizzazioni e li mette in tasca. Altre volte, Li Sacchi prendeva nomi di pazienti morti oppure emigrati all’estero da tempo.
Palermo, scam on diapers: the interceptions of the carabinieri
Related news: Arezzo. Fraud against the NHS. Seized drugs without punches. 3 doctors and 2 pharmacists reported.
Palermo, Sirchia from Salento under arrest for alleged fraud against the health system
Sicily scandal. Borsellino: «It is difficult to verify all the expenses, but the Region tries»