"2012 was a very difficult year" for drug companies. "Let's see what happens in 2013, let's hope to see some light at the end of the tunnel".
But even if "I am an incurable optimist, I don't see the pharmaceutical sector out of the crisis this year". This is the prediction of Massimo Scaccabarozzi, president of Farmindustria, who attended the presentation of the Osmed Report on the use of drugs in Italy at the AIFA headquarters in Rome.
"For us this year - he explains - will be another extremely difficult year, if there is no turning point. We are a sector that could contribute a lot to the growth of the country, especially in terms of employment. But at the moment, due to the latest maneuvers, which have not produced any benefits in terms of savings for the state, we are suffering a decline, losing jobs and production and the prices of drugs are falling.
We have made our contribution. I hope that the new government, whatever it may be, has the will to sit down with us and understand what we can represent for the country's growth in terms of positive contribution".
BDC – February 4, 2013 – PharmaKronos
Balduzzi, data confirms right government direction
The Report on the use of medicines in Italy, presented by AIFA, "highlights the role of the work carried out by the Agency in the management of pharmaceutical expenditure, in line with the policy implemented by the Government". This was stated by the Minister of Health Renato Balduzzi. "An action – continues Balduzzi – which has made it possible to keep overall expenditure under control, thanks to a marked reduction in territorial expenditure which has made it possible to rebalance the increase in hospital expenditure, keeping the pharmaceutical system within the scope of economic compatibility". "The path taken is the right one and the hope is that we will continue to work in this direction in the future, to all