APSS Trento. Extension of the suspension of the meetings by the Scientific Representatives of the drug

Si dispone di prorogare fino al 6 aprile 2021 gli incontri degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e dei rappresentanti di dispositivi medici presso tutte le strutture del Servizio sanitario aziendale

Al fine di prevenire la diffusione dell’infezione da Coronavirus SARS-CoV2, visto il perdurare della emergenza pandemica ed in analogia ai termini previsti dal DPCM del 2 marzo 2021, si dispone di prorogare fino al 6 aprile 2021 le disposizioni previste dalla precedente nota del 26/01/2021 (prot. 0016052).

Sono quindi sospesi fino a tale data gli incontri degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e dei rappresentanti di dispositivi medici presso tutte le strutture del Servizio sanitario aziendale.

Notwithstanding the above, access is allowed, only in exceptional cases, upon request from the Director of the OU/Service and issue of written authorization from the Medical Director of the facility.

The information activity can still be carried out using alternative methods remotely.

For the moment, the provisions communicated with note prot. 86806 of 06/15/2020, as regards access to the clinics of general practitioners and family pediatricians and to affiliated pharmacies; please note that these provisions recommend preferring remote activities and allow meetings to be held with informers/representatives, exclusively in compliance with the rules set out in the aforementioned note.

These provisions may in any case be subject to modifications, in relation to the evolution of the epidemiological framework and the issuing of further national or local provisions.

Recipients are advised to promptly disseminate, within the scope of their competences, the contents of this letter to all UU.OO. and hospital and territorial services, as well as general practitioners and family paediatricians.

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