The Antitrust has fined the pharmaceutical company Pfizer for abuse of a dominant position. According to the Authority, in fact, the company would have obstructed entry on the market for generic drugs in order to protect its market shares. One ensued sanction from 10.6 million euros, and the strong opposition of Pfizer's top management, who reject the sender's accusations, defining them as "unfounded" and announcing the appeal.
The news is actually quite sensational. There Pfizer it is in fact the first pharmaceutical company in the world and, with its competitive (and not only) attitudes, it would have effectively hindered and slowed down the entry of generic drugs for the treatment of glaucoma. A behavior contested by the Guarantor, which therefore would have implications not only of an economic nature, but also linked to the availability of cheaper drugs.
Pfizer appeals against 10.6 million Antitrust fine
Wednesday 18 January 2012 14:11
ROME, January 18 (Reuters) - Pfizer Italy has announced it will appeal against the 10.6 million fine imposed by the Antitrust for abusing a dominant position in the market for the marketing of drugs based on the active ingredient latanoprost for the treatment of glaucoma .
This was reported in a company note after yesterday the Authority also ordered the company to cease the unlawful conduct.
The delay in the introduction of generic medicines, explains the guarantor's statement, "cost the National Health Service, which reimburses the medicine used for glaucoma to patients, around 14 million euros in terms of lost savings: the presence on the market of producers of the equivalent drug has in fact led to an immediate reduction in the price, which has substantially halved".
Pfizer's fault consisted, according to the Authority, "in having artificially extended the protection from September 2009 to July 2011 and, subsequently, to January 2012, to align it with that in force in the other European countries".
In this way, the multinational managed to delay the market entry of generic drugs produced by competitors.
This is the company's reply: "Pfizer Italia declares to take note of this final decision, which however it deems groundless in fact and in law, reserving the right to challenge it in all the appropriate judicial venues, including supranational ones, in order to demonstrate the absolute