The Competition and Market Authority has approved the opening of an investigation into a possible agreement restricting competition against 7 drug distribution companies. Based on some reports received, the companies Alleanza Salute Italia SpA, Alleanza Salute Distribuzione SpA, Galenitalia SpA, Comifar SpA, Comifar Distribuzione SpA, Safar Società Cooperativa, Itriafarma Società Cooperativa allegedly refused, without any reason, to supply the Parapharmacies with over-the-counter medicines non-prescription (SOP). The behavior of wholesale distributors, in whose corporate structure there is a significant presence of pharmacies, suggests, in the opinion of the Authority, the existence of coordination aimed at refusing supplies of medicines, in order to hinder entry of new competitors in retail distribution. Otherwise, refusals to satisfy the requests of parapharmacies could hardly find an explanation: in fact, no wholesaler would have an interest in refusing supplies unless it is sure that similar behavior will also be followed by the other distributors operating in the same geographical area. The Authority, recognizing the risk of serious and irreparable damage to competition, has also resolved, as a precautionary measure, that the seven companies cease their conduct aimed at refusing supplies of SOP medicines requested by parapharmacies, promptly informing the Authority of the measures taken. The investigation, for which the Authority made use of the collaboration of the Guardia di Finanza during the inspection phase, must be completed by 21 September 2007.
From mnlf.it
From mnlf.it