
Anti-corruption, control over Orders postponed to 2015

This was decided by the Anac council by modifying the resolution of last October with which it had clarified that the Severino law on anti-corruption and its implementing decrees must also be applied to Orders and Colleges

Thursday, November 20, 2014 – Doctor33

The deadline for the start of the supervisory activity by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) on compliance with the obligation by Professional Orders and Boards to prepare the three-year plan for the prevention of corruption and that of the transparency. This was decided by the Anac council by modifying the resolution of last October with which it clarified that the Severino law on anti-corruption and its implementing decrees must also be applied to Orders and Colleges. The decision thus dispenses, at least for the moment, the presidents of the Order who also hold political offices, from deciding between the managerial role and the political office. This is the case of the president of the Medical Orders Amedeo Bianco (Pd), of the president of the National Federation of Ipasvi Colleges, Annalisa Silvestro (Pd) and of the president of the National Order of Pharmacists Andrea Mandelli (Fi) as well as of his vice president Luigi D' Ambrosio Lettieri (Fi), who all sit in parliament. In the meantime, an amendment signed by Mandelli-D'Ambrosio Lettieri to the government initiative bill concerning the reorganization of public administrations is running its course, with which it is reiterated that professional orders and colleges and their national federations are in all respects " non-economic public bodies of an associative nature" and therefore "the restrictions on employment relationships do not apply to them and are subject exclusively to the supervision of the competent Minister". Amendment that could provide indispensable arguments in response to the Anac resolution.

Marco Malagutti

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