According to Assogenerici, the positive trend of generic drugs is jeopardized by the current market structure. "Only the new patent deadlines, with the introduction of new products" reads a statement from the Association "are having a positive effect on sales and diffusion; however, the affirmation of the culture and awareness of the use of generics remains insufficient" . The conclusion is also based on the analysis conducted by the AssoGenerici Study Center of market data. The 2007 sell-out data show increases both in terms of packages sold (volumes in units) and in terms of expenditure (values in millions of euro). Compared to 2006, the increase is 24% for the packs sold (149 million against 120 in 2006), while the expenditure generated rises by 30% (940 million euros against 721 in 2006). Overall, however, the market grew less in terms of turnover than in previous years, even though it contributed substantially to the reduction of expenditure charged to the NHS. Observing the evolution of the price of off-patent brand drugs and of the corresponding "pure" generic drugs, for the first 20 molecules of the market with the greatest impact for the NHS, we note a clear evolution towards a progressive alignment of prices, the main brake for the development of the generic drug. "Generics suffer from strong competition from branded drugs with expired patents, which align with the price of their respective equivalent just placed on the market", explained the president of AssoGenerici Giorgio Foresti. "It is not a new behavior, which represents one of the major obstacles to the development of the generic drug sector in Italy". This development process, according to AssoGenerici, risks being held back by an imperfect competitive mechanism. The 2007 data provide an alarm signal that should not be underestimated, with the growth due only to the new patent expiries rather than to a conscious division of roles, culturally supported by the various components of the "health system". All of this seriously risks creating unfavorable conditions for the industries specialized in the production of generics in Italy, causing at the same time serious damage to the National Health Service.
Source "Farmacista33"