Sacchetti, from Federfarma poster to inform customers
The novelty is already known and is causing a lot of discussion, not only among pharmacists: from January 1, biodegradable and compostable plastic shopping bags can no longer be supplied free of charge to customers but will have to be charged, with a charge on the receipt. The obligation arises from law 123/2017, which on the subject incorporates indications from the European Union aimed at raising public awareness of the problems
The notice may be posted in front of the counter or near the till and dutifully emphasizes the fact that the charge for the bag does not depend on a choice made by the pharmacy but derives from a precise legal obligation: "To reduce the use of plastic bags" reads the text of the poster «Decree-law 91/2017, converted by law 123/2017, establishes that even biodegradable and compostable bags must be paid for by the citizen. And the cost of the bag must be shown on the receipt».
A preview of the notice was released yesterday from Federfarma through a circular, in which the union reiterates the indications already provided to the members last week: the obligation to charge the cost of the plastic bag on the receipt «applies to all shops and was also confirmed by Confcommercio and Assobioplastiche , the association of producers of biodegradable and compostable plastics». Federfarma Verona also intervened on the subject yesterday with a statement released to the generalist press.
Related news: LAW 3 August 2017, n. 123
This is how the law on biodegradable bags works