The union representatives deem unacceptable, in terms of substance and method, the method of confrontation from the company that sent the dismissal procedure while the union meeting was in progress
The Filctem, Cgil Femca Cisl and Uiltec Uil National Secretariats together with the structures and the RSU met today, Wednesday 6 September, to meet the management of the Alfasigma Group (born on 1 August last from the merger of Alfa Wassermann with Sigma Tau), at the Assolombarda headquarters, for the presentation of the industrial plan. At the end of which the company addressed the issue of the need to proceed with a reorganization that addresses the situation of duplication of functions created with the merger and therefore announced the imminent opening of the collective redundancy procedure, declaring 456 redundancies of which 274 Scientific informants. Therefore, the unions deemed unacceptable, in terms of substance and method, the comparison method of the company that sent the dismissal procedure while the union meeting was still in progress.
Faced with this situation, a state of agitation was immediately proclaimed for the whole Group with the blocking of all supplementary activities, together with the decision to define a package of strike hours. The first two hours of the strike, together with a two-hour assembly to inform the workers, will have to be held by 15 September with methods defined locally, while for drug informers the assemblies will be held the following week.
Release Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil
Alfasigma shock, the company announces 456 layoffs
The group recently born from the merger of Alfa Wassermann with Sigma Tau illustrated the blood and tears content of its reorganization plan. Immediate response from the trade unions and the Rsu with the opening of a state of agitation and a strike
The group was formally formed just over a month ago, but the first moves don't bode well: Alfasigma, the new pharmaceutical giant, born from the merger of Alfa Wassermann with Sigma Tau, announced today, September 6, the imminent opening of the collective redundancies procedure, declaring 456 redundancies of personnel, of which 274 scientific informants.
The information arrived during the meeting between the national secretariats of the trade unions Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl and Uiltec Uil, together with the structures and the Rsu, and the Management of the Alfasigma Group at the Assolombarda for the presentation of the industrial plan. “The Company – reads a note from the trade unions – illustrated the situation from both a production and an economic and market point of view of the new Group which was formally established on 1 August 2017. During the presentation, also highlighted the strategic choices aimed at developing the company's growth potential through the development of research, the increase in site productivity, and the expansion of foreign markets”.
But at the end of the presentation of the business plan, the Company explained the “need to proceed with a reorganisation that addresses the situation of duplication of functions created with the merger of Alfa Wassermann with Sigma Tau”. Hence the announcement of the collective redundancies. Announcement that the unions consider "unacceptable in terms of substance and method", denouncing the behavior of the Company which "sent the dismissal procedure while the union meeting was in progress".
Faced with this situation, the state of agitation of the entire Group was immediately proclaimed with the blocking of all supplementary activities, as well as a package of strike hours, yet to be defined. However, it has already been decided that the first two hours of the strike, together with two hours of assembly to inform the workers, will have to take place by 15 September with methods established locally, while for drug informants the assemblies will be held the following week . "Furthermore - conclude the unions - given the seriousness of the situation that is developing, the national secretariats will take action to involve the Ministry of Economic Development".
ALFASIGMA, after the merger 456 redundancies arrive. FEMCA: unacceptable decision
Today, at the Assolombarda headquarters in Milan, in the presence of the Company Union Representatives, and the Territorial and National Secretariats of Femca Cisl, Filctem Cgil, Uiltec Uil, the industrial plan of ALFASIGMA was presented, a pharmaceutical company born from the merger of ALFAWASSERMANN, SIGMATAU and BIOFUTURA, actually operational since last August 1st.
With over 3,100 employees, of which about 1,700 in Italy, and more than 1 billion in turnover, ALFASIGMA is preparing to become the third largest Italian pharmaceutical company. However, the company intends to open the procedures for the redundancy declaration of 456 employees, generated, according to the company management, by the merger and integration of the various functions and operating structures.
This is a prospect which is unacceptable for Femca Cisl and which arouses great concern among workers who would be interested in the provision: "In our opinion, this is an unacceptable decision" - expressed the national secretary Gianluca Bianco, head of the chemical sector – “even considering the understandable overlaps created by the merger. This will on the part of the company casts a shadow over an operation of certain value for the entire Italian industrial and pharmaceutical sector”.
In the previous two meetings, the company had proposed some of the strategic guidelines, then presented in the Business Plan, which hinted at a strong development of the new company with even substantial investments: research enhancement, product portfolio development, international expansion, maintenance and modernization of the production sites in Pomezia (RM), Alanno (PE) and Sermoneta (LT). All of this risks being called into question in the face of uncertainty for the future of hundreds of workers.
"We ask that the Government intervene on this dispute" - reiterated Nora Garofalo, Femca Cisl Secretary General - "It is necessary to build a framework of necessary guarantees in defense of workers and an Industrial Plan capable of safeguarding the development of the company and the protection of 'occupation".
A meeting request to this effect will be sent to the Ministry of Economic Development in the next few hours.
Milan, 6 September 2017 – Femca CISL
According to Farmindustria, the 10 largest Italian companies are: Menarini, which with a turnover of 3,500 million euros is at the top of the ranking (Farmindustria data for 2016), followed by Chiesi (1,600 million), Bracco (1,360), Recordati (1,200 ), Alfasigma (1,000), Angelini (Pharma division, with 850), Zambon (700), Italfarmaco (650), Kedrion (650), Dompé (260). In eleventh place Mediolanum Farmaceutici (200) founded by Rinaldo Del Bono in Milan in 1972 and today led by CEO Alessandro Del Bono.
Sergio Cardinals (Filctem): Case Alfasigma increases turnover and workers are fired if this is the paradigm generated by “industry 4.0” ………………let's talk about it and reflect on………..but quickly
Related news: Alfasigma, 358 redundancies and 87 headquarters transfers announced: union mobilization takes off
Alfasigma announces: 138 redundancies in Pomezia, unions on a war footing
From 1 August 2017 Sigma-Tau became Alfasigma SpA
Pharmaceuticals: Alfasigma is born, a new center with a turnover of 900 million