As already done in the past, I take advantage of the space kindly offered by this site to all of us to thank the colleagues of the national pharmaceutical forum and the Hon Scilipoti who have decided with their press release to make known and amplify the events involving 20 workers of a well-known Japanese multinational.
Our working world has unfortunately become a sort of Wild West, those who possess a certain economic and political power take advantage of it only for their own personal gain. And it is precisely in the pharmaceutical sector where these aspects find their maximum application.
In fact, some managers, of this company, but also of other companies in the sector, puffed up with their evident arrogance, treat their employees and many internal staff as if they were objects at their disposal and not as supporting elements of a production structure.
The demonstration of this is evident and it is possible to read it on many information sites, where work news is reported which is aberrant and which certainly does not need many explanations.
Even this line of unfortunate colleagues, according to news arriving from many quarters, would strangely be formed by elements that have a single affinity. They would be people and colleagues who are disliked by the company and its bosses and bosses because they have their own strong personality, impervious to the more or less correct indications of some "marketing scientist" and determined to operate in an area of correctness and professionalism performed to the utmost levels.
From what has been learned, elements that would have "dared" to drag the company to court to obtain justice would have been included in this line (apparently they are dealing with illegitimate dismissals or illegitimate area transfers), or colleagues who are ill or guilty of becoming interested in trade unions or be too compliant with the contract and with the regulations of the sector. In short, colleagues who are not really loved by the company.
The above therefore describes a sick environment, where merits and professionalism clearly do not count, but where only yesmen or yeswomen make a career and are well considered and pampered.
It is the triumph of hypocrisy. Officially this company takes care of volunteering in Africa and for the earthquake victims, meetings are attended in Catholic environments such as the National Meeting of Communion and Liberation, and even the CEO seems to be included in a worthy congregation of
Knights of Christianity and Peace known for being a Philanthropic Association with a Humanitarian Address.
Then instead we discover the other side of the coin which would seem to portray an unscrupulous company and which, in order to get what it wants, does not skimp on any method.
I wonder how these realities can coexist and what the real face of this company will be. The ISFs who operate in it do not need my reflections.
Leander Clean