– Uncle Lupine who understands less than his nephew but, since he dislikes his neighbors because they caught him in the act of committing a crime, he influences and stimulates his imagination and comments;
The work begins with the voyeur son who sees in someone else's house a normal act of democracy that he does not know: the head of that house has resigned and has entrusted ordinary management to his deputy, as required by their Regulations. Not understanding what's going on, because it's not used in his house, the voyeur son starts talking about factions and feuds.
Uncle Lupin, who in the meantime has reached the window, promptly suggests intrigues and plots and, to justify this, points out to his voyeur nephew a member of the hated family, the Ravenna native, who according to him is denouncing the family misdeeds. Uncle Lupine knows that the Ravenna native is doing nothing but talking about home economics with the other members of his family but the mystification fascinates him. He points to other spied on people, the Piedmontese and the Veneto, who are quietly asking for explanations (as befits good families!), receiving them, and he addresses them saying: .
The spy nephew tries to say that this interpretation does not convince him but the envious father promptly intervenes saying:
asks the spy son.
replies the envious father, <don Carmine non è solo il nostro portinaio è anche un grande esperto di litigi! Appena vede qualcuno che litiga, subito corre e tira fuori le bandiere dicendo che lui è “autonomo” e può fare qualcosa per loro. In realtà non ha mai fatto nulla ma, come sa dire lui che è bravo non lo sa dire nessuno. Niente a che fare con la gentaglia