Dear colleagues,
I am sending you the article in the "Sole 24 ore" regarding the rules set out in the 2008 finance for those who want to redeem their degree years.
Applications must be presented to INPS (which will send you the redemption statement), with the possibility of installments up to 120 months without paying interest (previously they were at 2.5% per year).
These contributions are useful for retiring earlier and are considered, to all intents and purposes, mandatory contributions and are therefore deductible from income.
This means that, in the tax return (mod 770 or Unico), you can deduct from your income (i.e. recover the tax paid), an amount equal to the contributions paid.
The application for the redemption of the degree years is not binding, in the sense that, if the worker decides that he no longer wants to join, it is enough not to pay the first payment and the application will be lapsed.
If you need further clarifications or clarifications, you can write an email to me or to the sect. AIISF of Salerno who will turn it around for me.
Best regards
Donato Perrone
Pensions, lighter redemption for young people
by Domenico Fabrizio-De Ritis
January 10, 2008
Law 247, meeting those who start work at an older age than in the past and to encourage the achievement of a higher contribution upon retirement, has granted some concessions for the redemption of periods of university studies, as recalled yesterday's INPS 654 message. Even those who have not yet registered in any compulsory form can request coverage for the period: in this case, the payments go to INPS and will subsequently be transferred to the management where the first registration will take place. For all redemption applications for the graduation period presented after 1 January 2008, the coverage can be paid in 120 monthly installments without the application of interest.
The redeemed contribution, in addition to determining an increase in the pension, is also useful for acquiring the right to a pension. The new law has removed some previous impediments, admitting the use of the right to early retirement with 40 years of contributions, even if it can be paid in the form of contributions.
The coverage of the period for those not enrolled in any compulsory form takes place, as also specified by INPS, with the payment of a contribution for each year to be redeemed calculated on the minimum annual taxable income envisaged for merchants' insurance (article 1, paragraph 3 of law 233/90), applying the calculation rate envisaged for employees (33%).
For those who are already enrolled in compulsory management, the burden can be determined with two procedures. Legislative decree 184/1997 has in fact introduced single rules for all forms of compulsory insurance, but has established different calculation criteria in relation to the pension that can be paid in pay or contributory forms.
In the first hypothesis, the procedure provided for by article 13 of law 1338/1962 is applied, with v