The reorganization of Piedmontese healthcare has been launched – The news of the law. The president of the Region, Mercedes Bresso, welcomed with great satisfaction the approval, which took place on 1 August in the Regional Council, of the law reorganizing the Piedmontese health system.
“A very important first step has been taken – he commented after the vote – on the road to the modernization and transformation of the Piedmontese health system, which will be completed by September with the approval of the social-health plan. A planning document that Piedmontese health care badly needs and which has been missing for eight years ".
Bresso then recalled that the reorganization law "lays the legal foundations, establishes the framework in which the plan will be inserted and introduces elements of novelty and attention to the citizen such as health profiles, the tool through which each territory establishes, according to its own characteristics, the needs and on the basis of which the social and health responses are planned to provide services adapted to the needs. But, above all, this law places the citizen, through the local administrators who represent him, at the center of the organization of services: the basis on which rests the social and health plan that we strongly supported with Mario Valpreda, with whom I conceived, designed and discussed this law and the plan".
"All this - concludes Bresso - to offer Piedmontese citizens ever better services, more on a human scale, in step with science and making the best use of the extraordinary scientific and human excellence we can count on". From the Piedmont Region 02-08-07