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AIISF Naples remembers Father Massimiliano Maffei, a former informant

The Section AIISF Naples informs us of the disappearance of Father Massimiliano, born Renato Maffei, a former scientific informant, who after retiring had taken his vows as a Franciscan. All colleagues still remember him today for his seriousness and competence, an example of life for everyone.

Born on February 21, 1938 in Portici and baptized with the name of Renato, Father Maffei had graduated in Pharmacy practicing the profession of scientific informant of the drug for Roche until 1999.

On July 27, 1968, he got married. From the marriage he has two daughters, who at a young age consecrated themselves wearing the veil of the Poor Clares of the Immaculate Conception. In 1999, following the vocational choice of his daughters and, later, of his wife who also entered the same convent as her daughters, he embraced religious life.

Having abandoned his professional activity and civil status, having received the indult of the Holy See, he then joined the Institute of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception.

Since June 2014 he was a member of the Community of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception of Albenga where he devoted himself intensely to the mystery of Confessions.

Already debilitated by various pathologies, infected with Covid-19, he was hospitalized in the Santa Maria di Misericordia hospital in the province of Santa Maria di Misericordia.

Eighty-three years old, at 21.45 on 26 November 2021, due to an unexpected cardiac arrest, Father Massimiliano Maffei he passes to eternal life, on the eve of the feast of the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal, of which he was extremely devoted.

The solemn funeral, presided over by the bishop of the diocese of Albenga-Imperia, Monsignor Guglielmo Borghetti, was held on Monday 29 November at 11 in the cathedral of Albenga.

A moved crowd of faithful from the Shrine of Our Lady of Pontelungo and from Albenga, accompanied by numerous brothers from the convents of the Friars of the Immaculate around the world, attended the funeral of Father Massimiliano celebrated in the cathedral of San Michele Arcangelo by the bishop of the Diocese of Albenga Monsignor Borghetti.


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