Information request from the website www.informatori.aiisf.it
I have a degree in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, I am also qualified to practice as a biologist. My degree class is recognized as suitable with the new decree Recognizing the suitability of other degrees for the purposes of carrying out the activity of scientific representative. (GU n. 198 of 27-8-2007). I would like to enter the world of the informant, I wanted to know if AIISF members receive information on job vacancies in the area, and help your members in insertion and training.
Thank you with the opportunity best regards.
Dr. AP
Dear Colleague,
thanks for contacting us.
Pharmaceutical Representatives, registered or not with the AIISF, can take advantage of the job offers periodically reported on our website www.informatori.aiisf.it”. The latest was published by our Ravenna Section on February 5th.
The site also offers the offers provided by AboutPharma, and other reports that you will find in the "Services and Links" Section Job offers
For further extend your search, we suggest that you also visit the site www.monster.it where you can also enter your curriculum vitae.
You can also request information on job availability from colleagues in your province or from the AIISF in your region.
As far as training is concerned, it is usually the company's obligation to provide it, as reported in Legislative Decree 219/2006 art. n.122 paragraph 2.
As regards help relating to insertion, list of doctors for microbriks, conventions and everything that is part of our work, you can refer to the Colleagues of your Province or to the AIISF of your Region.
Wishing you all the best,
We cordially greet you.
The editorial staff