The "Mimmo Lenzi" section of Lecce wanted to pay homage to some retired doctors with a commemorative plaque. Doctors who have distinguished themselves for their elegance and who in recent years have shown us great esteem, respect and gratitude, making us feel useful and reliable professionals of great help in the care of their patients.
Always smiling, even in the darkest and most tiring times, never a gesture of annoyance or boredom and happy to see each other.
How can we forget the nice little bottle of new oil with a personalized label with which Dr. Amedeo Chiriatti di Martano welcomed us every year. The friendly professionalism of Dr. Carlo Comi of Otranto is always ready to give you advice and help. The wonderful sunny smile and the disarming beauty of Dr. Anna Mattucci of Cutrofiano, her heartfelt and sincere thanks to her retirement is memorable. The critical and severe talks with Dr. Vincenzo Ferrari but useful for our growth. The pleasant and calm irony of Dr. Michele Ramundo and his culinary passion. Dear Dr. Elio Romano di Matino marked by his pathologies but never tired of making you smile and grateful for the visit. Dr. Raffaele Scartati from Lecce with a gruff appearance but a proverbial availability and goodness.
Delivering these plaques to each of them was, as president of the section, an honor.
Meetings with strong and very moving emotions, witnesses Achille Ciuffoletti, Claudio Leggieri, Alberto Quaranta, in expressing their dutiful and heartfelt thanks and, in accepting it, their appreciation and gratitude for the meaning that the plaque represents.
As a section we are proud of this initiative and we hope, economic conditions permitting, to honor other deserving professionals
Pasquale Melancholy
President Section AIISF Lecce
Federated Fedaiisf