Historical Archive


 The Regional Council of 9 June last approved the final account for 2006; has proceeded with the election of the new regional executive that he sees Angelo Dazzi  President, Louis Ghiselli Vice president, Cynthia Rossi Secretary and Charles Pellacini Treasurer.
The setting has been approvedTOsingle regional genda, already approved in the session of 2.3.07. The agenda will be printed and distributed to all sections of the region before the summer holidays. The souvenir estimate was €0.36 per copy in black and white (it will cost a little more since it was decided to use 2 colours).
Finally, the Regional Council resolved to set the 2008 membership fee for all sections at €70, of which 40 will go to the national team and 30 will remain in the section.
Best regards.
                                       AIISF extension
    Italian Association of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives
           Regional Executive of Emilia Romagna
                                   Angelo Dazzi
       Mobile: 3351228938 – Email: angidaz@libero.it

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