Fimmg, ready to start the vaccination campaign for over eighty year olds
Meeting of the representatives of the Complex Primary Care Units of the Province of Catanzaro
Catanzaro Informa editorial staff – 21 February 2021
“Immediate start of the anti vaccination campaign Covid for people over eighty". This is the position that emerged during the meeting that took place in the Uccp Studio Michelangelo headquarters in Lamezia Terme where the representatives of the Complex Primary Care Units of the Province of Catanzaro: Franca Ferrari for the Uccp Studio Michelangelo of Lamezia Terme, Gennaro De Nardo for the Uccp Sanità Group of Catanzaro Nord, Antonio Guerra for the Uccp Ippocrate Medical Service of Catanzaro Centro, Domenico Venturi for the Uccp of San Pietro a Maida, Gioacchino Passafari for the Uccp of Borgia, Luciano Mallamo for the Uccp of Soverato and Attilio Magisano for the Uccp Casa della Salute of Chiaravalle. The works were coordinated by the Provincial Secretary of Fimmg Catanzaro Gennaro DeNardo (pictured above)
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Among the other aspects dealt with during the meeting, the provincial secretary De Nardo highlights: "We welcomed with great enthusiasm the collaboration proposal of the AIISF (Italian Association of Scientific Drug Representatives) which provides for a voluntary action to support GPs to comply to all bureaucratic and administrative aspects related to vaccination. A very useful support as it allows you to significantly reduce vaccination times, achieving more effective results in terms of coverage ".
“We are ready, it is now up toProvincial Health Authority - concludes De Nardo - the rapid delivery of vaccines, according to the schedules drawn up by the doctors, of the protective devices, of the access credentials to the platform for registration and of the indications of the vaccination points where the doctors who will not be able to carry out the vaccination within their own studies”.
The offer of collaboration.
SUBJECT: Proposal for Volunteering Pharmaceutical Scientific Representatives adhering to the 3 provincial sections of the FED.AIISF present in Calabria.
Dear Dr Guido Longo,
the Pharmaceutical Representatives of the Calabria Region represented by this Regional Coordination of the "Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Scientific Representatives", given the important historical moment in which various strategies are being implemented to defeat the pandemic infection which is putting the strength of the Regional Health System to the test, on a par with and alongside the other professionals working in the health sector, intend to put their professional skills at the service of the community which pertain to the fields of Medicine, Biology, Pharmacology and of Chemistry.
Scientific Representatives are qualified figures, trained in universities and adequately instructed by the respective pharmaceutical companies also on the adoption and compliance with all safety procedures, including the sanitization of the environments in which they operate and the means by which they carry out their duties. Work.
For the above, the ISF could be employed at dedicated call centres, at the various checkpoints set up for access control, contact tracing and in all administrative operations preparatory to vaccination.
Already in the first phase, our colleagues from Emilia Romagna carried out voluntary work in collaboration with the Regional Health Department; we know that even in Umbria the healthcare companies have requested, and colleagues have accepted, a voluntary collaboration that could alleviate the sudden overload on the Umbrian SSR. We realize that we are going through a historical period that is perhaps unique in its kind (and we hope it will remain so); for this reason, if on the one hand with the "classic" work the informant acted as a privileged interlocutor of the clinician and pharmacist to provide valid and constant updating above all for the appropriate use of drugs, on the other hand the ISFs are also above all citizens who, by virtue of their constant collaboration with the NHS, have the skills and abilities to provide, even voluntarily, valid support to all operators in the sector.
Having said that, the Calabrian ISF intend to offer, on a voluntary basis, their collaboration to the SSR and all its substructures so that the ongoing Sars-Cov-2 pandemic can be contained as much as possible.
I remain at your disposal for any need of this esteemed Department, which falls within our competences, we send you our most cordial greetings.