The Diff introduces itself: Silvio Garattini explains the drugs
Brescia Today of 06/02/2008 p. 15 by Lisa Cesco It will be
Professor Silvio Garattini, well-known pharmacologist of the "Mario Negri" Institute of Milan, to inaugurate the first official release of the University Study and Research Center for Documentation, Information and Training on Drugs (Diff), activated at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brescia. Silvio Garattini will hold a masterly lecture on "Evolution and topicality of drug studies", in the great hall of Medicine, in viale Europa today, Wednesday 6 February, at 17: the "cutting" of the event will be informative, to speak clearly about drugs, with a meeting open to the entire citizenry. THE APPOINTMENT with Professor Garattini is part of the cycle of Readings in medical pharmacology promoted by the University, Eulo and the Clinical Institute of the City of Brescia. The event will be presented by the scientific director of the Diff Center, PierFranco Spano, and the president, Enrico Agabiti Rosei, as well as the local health authorities who will participate in the meeting. THE DIFF CENTER was activated in the University thanks also to the contribution of the Istituto Clinico Città di Brescia - Gruppo San Donato and Eulo: among the many purposes of the Center there is that of promoting, supporting and strengthening basic and clinical pharmacological research, launching information and education programs for the community to promote knowledge of the characteristics of the different classes of drugs and the safe and appropriate use of medicines. The Center intends to provide doctors and health professionals with information on the properties, use and side effects of medicines. These latter aspects are also dealt with in scientific seminars and conferences for in-depth analysis of the pharmacological specialties on the market, their mechanisms of action, therapeutic applications, side and toxic effects. Pharmacovigilance programs are also promoted in the Center's headquarters, in the department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine Biotechnology, according to research plans with general practitioners, paediatricians of free choice, scientific societies, orders and university structures.