The severance pay and the yield rebus. The Bologna Section informs us of the article published in the Corriere della Sera last October 14: Who guarantees us that the 50% of severance indemnities that will have to go to INPS, instead of remaining in the company, will continue to have a return guaranteed by law (1.5% plus 75% of annual inflation)? The question was asked by Luigi Scimia, President of the COVIP (supervisory authority on pension funds) speaking at a conference. In fact, he explains, everything is entrusted to the decree which will have to regulate the novelty by 31 January 2007. “It would be logical that the return on the severance pay be guaranteed, but this is not written in the Finance Act. So it's good to be vigilant."
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item published in Il Giornale on 15 October:
Bonanni against Epifani: the severance pay remains with the companies. (After the launch of the 2007 manoeuvre, the unions are increasingly distant - Soon a working table of the social parties on supplementary social security - Financial, the CGIL attacks Confindustria: "On the INPS funds it makes a colossal hype - The CISL replies: "No muggings, ready to take to the streets").
By "snatching" the workers' severance fund to transfer it to INPS, the Government has in fact arbitrarily put its hands into the workers' pockets.