AIFA. Vaccines. They do not contain latex

Absence of latex in the primary packaging of influenza vaccines

Comunicazione AIFA – 22/02/2018

To respond to a need particularly felt by people allergic to latex, the Italian Medicines Agency conducted an in-depth analysis directly with the companies holding the Marketing Authorization (AIC) on the absence of latex/latex/natural rubber in the various components of the pre-filled syringes (e.g. cap, piston, stopper) of the influenza vaccines authorized for the 2017-2018 season.

This information is in fact extremely important for those allergic to latex who need vaccination coverage, who, in the event of the presence of latex, even in traces, would be exposed to the risk of allergic reactions.

The European Commission guidelines on excipients in the labeling and package leaflet of medicinal products  provide for the insertion of a warning in the Package Leaflet in the event that the latex is present in any quantity, regardless of the route of administration of the medicinal product, while, in the event of the absence of latex, the insertion of specific declarations is not required; In any case, AIFA deemed it useful to contact all the MA holding companies, asking to certify, where not specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and in the FI, the absence of latex in the components of the pre-filled syringes.

Based on the statements provided in response by the owners of the AIC e di quanto riportato nell’RCP/FI di questi vaccini, l’Agenzia fornisce quindi le seguenti informazioni di riepilogo allo scopo di contribuire ulteriormente all’uso sicuro e corretto dei vaccini influenzali stagionali anche nei soggetti con storia di reazioni allergiche severe al latex:

Holder AIC Commercial name Latex presence Fonte dell’Informazione
Abbott Influvac S
Does not contain latex* – The possibility that they may have come into contact with instruments containing it is not excluded Owner communication AIC
Glaxo Smith Kline Biologicals SA. Fluarix Tetra
Fluarix Trivalent (not marketed in Italy)
Does not contain latex - Not used in the manufacturing process Owner communication AIC
Sanofi Pasteur Europe Intance
Vaxigrip Tetra
Vaxigrip (not marketed in Italy)
Does not contain latex - Not used in the manufacturing process Owner communication AIC
Seqirus GMBH Afluria (not marketed in Italy) Does not contain latex - Not used in the manufacturing process Owner communication AIC
Seqirus SRL Fluad
Agrippal S1
Influwells Subunit
“Individui sensibili al lattice: non è stata stabilita la sicurezza di impiego di [name of the vaccine] in individui sensibili al lattice; si rappresenta tuttavia che non è stata riscontrata la presenza di lattice di gomma naturale nel cappuccio protettivo della siringa.” Paragraph 4.4 of the SPC and paragraph 2 of the FI

* The company advises patients who are extremely sensitive to latex to consult their doctor before administering the vaccine.

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