AIFA. Pharmaceutical expenditure January-May 2017

Verification of the Pharmaceutical Spending Ceiling (7.96% of the national health requirement)

The net approved pharmaceutical expenditure borne by the NHS in the period January-May 2017 calculated net of discounts, total sharing (regional tickets and sharing of the reference price) and the 1.83% pay-back paid to the Regions by pharmaceutical companies, was amounted to €3,528 million, showing an increase of € +31 million (+0.7%) compared to the previous year.

Consumption, expressed in number of recipes (250 million recipes), shows a decrease of -0.6% compared to 2016, while the incidence of tickets decreases by -1.0% (-7.0 million euro). At the same time, an increase of +3.4% (+362.3 million daily doses) was observed in the daily doses dispensed [excerpt]

Lo scostamento assoluto è di oltre 740 milioni di euro rispetto ai nuovi tetti di spesa, quelli stabiliti dall’ultima legge di bilancio (dell’art. 1, commi 400 e 401 della Legge 232/16.). Il dato è presente nell’ultima scheda di monitoraggio messa a disposizione dall’Agenzia italiana per il farmaco per il periodo gennaio-maggio 2017 (read here ).
Questo significa – effettuando una proiezione lineare – che alla fine del 2017 lo sforamento potrebbe essere addirittura superiore a quello fatto registrare nel 2016 che era di oltre 1,5 miliardi di euro.

Full document: AIFA. Monitoring of National and Regional Pharmaceutical Expenditure January-May 2017

Pharmaceutical expenditure: change of 741 million in the first 5 months of the year

Puglia. Pharmaceutical expense. M5S: "Quantifying savings and setting them as a goal for the ASL managing directors"

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