With the decree of the Minister of Health of 11 December 2019, Dr. Renato Massimi was appointed replacement of the AIFA Director General pending the completion of the procedure for appointing the new Director General of AIFA.
The President Domenico Mantoan and the Deputy General Manager Renato Massimi extend their heartfelt thanks to Dr. Luca Li Bassi for having carried out his work exclusively at the service of public health, with the commitment, dedication and responsibility that have distinguished each his human and professional experience, in the certainty that the Agency will put the innovative ideas expressed by him to good use.
AIFA - Published on: 12 December 2019
General manager
The Director General is the legal representative of the Agency. He has all the management powers of the Agency and directs its activity, issuing the provisions that are not attributed to the other bodies of the same. He is responsible for the activities as reported in paragraph 2 of article 10 of the DM 20 September 2004, n. 245.
From 12 December 2019, pending the completion of the selection procedure for the new AIFA Director General, the replacement of the General Director is the second tier manager with the longest service Renato Massimi.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (BoD) is made up of the President, designated by the Minister of Health in agreement with the State-Regions Conference, and four members, two of whom are designated by the Minister of Health and two by the State-Regions Conference.
Dominic Mantovan – President
Renato Bernardini – Adviser
Massimiliano Abbruzzese – Adviser
David Carlo Caparini – Adviser