AIFA. Pharmaceutical expenditure monitoring January April 2021

With a considerable decrease in the agreement, live broadcasts remain sustained

The net approved pharmaceutical expenditure borne by the NHS in the period January-April 2021 calculated net of discounts, total sharing (regional tickets and sharing of the reference price) and the 1.83% payback paid to the Regions by pharmaceutical companies, amounted to €2,527.1 million, showing a considerable decrease compared to the previous year (€-171.4 million).

Consumption, expressed in number of recipes (183.1 million recipes), shows a reduction (-2.9%) compared to 2020; the incidence of the total ticket also decreased (-7.4%). As regards the daily doses dispensed, a decrease of -4% (-302.7 million) was observed.

On the other hand, spending on direct purchases (directly distributed drugs plus those distributed on behalf of account) remains sustained, even if recording a slight decrease, which in the first four months of the year amounts to 3.7 billion 3.7 billion euros, approximately 200 million less than what was spent in the corresponding period of 2020, but still well over the assigned ceiling.

Monitoring of National and Regional Pharmaceutical Expenditure January-April 2021

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