AIFA. The new director is the pharmacologist Nicola Magrini

To support him, as scientific director, could be Giuseppe Traversa of the ISS

Today the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces gave the go-ahead to the Ministry of Health's proposal for the appointment of Nicola Magrini as Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa).

La Conferenza delle Regioni ha anche indicato il direttore dell’Ausl di Modena Antonio Brambilla (new entry) e l’Assessore all’Economia della Lombardia David Caparini (confermato) all’interno del CdA dell’Agenzia del farmaco.

The name of pharmacologist Nicola Magrini, segretario del comitato per i farmaci di base dell’OMS, è stato presentato questa mattina dal Ministro Roberto Speranza alla Conferenza delle Regioni che nel pomeriggio ha dato il suo parere positivo.

Magrini, That boasts 20 years of experience in the world of medicines (Click here to download the Curriculum vitae complete), was a researcher at theMario Negri Institute of Milan and is a founding member of the Cochrane Italy. Magrini is also part of the management of CEVEAS in Modena, Center for the Evaluation of Health Care Effectiveness, a body that he himself helped to found in 1999 and which aims to facilitate access to the best available evidence on treatments and cures, through the critical evaluation of the available data, their understanding and the transfer of information to doctors, decision makers and citizens.

As can be read on the site of the Modena organization, "The scientific and cultural points of reference, at the basis of all the activities of CEVEAS, are the" Evidence based Medicine " (EBM) and the " Evidence Based Health Care " (EBHC), developed in Anglo-Saxon countries and in North America over the last 10 years”. Not surprisingly, CEVEAS adheres to the Italian Cochrane Network.

“Da Magrini one can expect an AIFA management strongly attentive to the most solid scientific evidence, in assoluto una buona cosa, ma che potrebbe generare qualche difficoltà nell’ambito specifico delle malattie rare, dove, è noto, spesso le evidenze scientifiche sono ‘meno forti’ per la mancanza di studi su una popolazione ampia, spesso impossibili da effettuare per la stessa natura rara delle patologie”, ha dichiarato l’Osservatorio Malattie Rare..

Alongside the name of Magrini, that of the pharmacologist also circulates Joseph Traversa, ricercatore dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), che già in passato era stato dato come possibile direttore AIFA. Il suo ruolo could be that of future scientific director.

the President of FNOMCeO, Anelli, after congratulating himself on the nomination, in a communicated he has declared: "Also in Magrini we renew the appeal, already launched to President Mantoan, to open a Table on prescription involving Doctors, those professionals who have the responsibility and competence. On the contrary, we ask that the Doctors be involved in all decision-making processes on the drug, sitting as owners at the AIFA tables".

“The prescription is one of the highest and most complex expressions of the medical profession – affirms Anelli – because it summarizes and synthesizes the anamnesis, the diagnosis, the informed consent and the therapy. For this reason, the law entrusts it to the doctor, and the Code of Deontology reiterates its autonomy, freedom, independence, urging the professional to evaluate the applicability of recommendations and guidelines to the specific case

L’Aifa nei prossimi anni dovrà affrontare sfide non facili: dal disegno di una nuova governance farmaceutica con il superamento del payback come chiesto dal Patto salute e dallo stesso ministro Speranza al nuovo prontuario farmaceutico (ovvero l’elenco di medicinali che vengono rimborsati dallo Stato) fino all’impiego delle nuove Car-T, i super-farmaci cellulari che a fronte di alti costi promettono cure molto efficaci per i tumori. Il nuovo dg lavorerà con il nuovo presidente dell’Aifa Dominic Mantovan nominated last November.

Il Ministro Speranza ha dichiarato: “I have just appointed, with the favorable opinion of all the Regions, Nicola Magrini Director General of AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency. Since 2014 he has been Secretary of the Committee on Essential Medicines at the World Health Organization. Now come back to Italy to serve our country in a decisive sector. Our National Health Service deserves the best“.


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