Starting from 2017, a new system will be implemented which will allow Pharmaceutical Companies to send, pursuant to art. 122, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree lgs. 219/2006, of the lists of Scientific Representatives of the drug by direct insertion in the new one Front End of AIFA.
For the transmission of data relating to 2016, taking into account the exceptional nature of this phase of implementation of the new information systems of the Agency, an extension of the deadlines for the presentation of the aforementioned lists will be envisaged.
A new communication from the Scientific Information Office - which will probably be published on the institutional portal around the middle of next January - will precisely define the terms of the extension and provide instructions for the new methods of entering data from Scientific Representatives on the Front End.
Therefore, before proceeding to comply with the aforementioned legal obligation, the Companies are invited to wait for the subsequent communication from the undersigned Office, bearing in mind that the postal address DATA_informatori@aifa.mailcert.it it will no longer be usable.
AIFA – Notice to Pharmaceutical Companies – 12/14/2016
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